Monday, 23 March 2015

Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Politik

Baiklah Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan berbagi  Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Politik , Pidatonya sebagai berikut :’alaikum wr.wb
الحمد  لله رب العامين   وبه نستعين   على امور الدنيا  والدين  والصلاة والسلام  على اشرف المرسلين  سيدنا ومولانا محمد  وعلى اله وصحبه اجمعين  ( اما بعد )

First of all, let’s say our praise and gratitude to Allah Swt due to all of His grace and blessing upon us all. Sholawat and salam may everlastingly upon our adoration, Great Prophet Muhammad Saw who had guided us from darkness into shining bright path.
To the honorable ladies, gentlemen, and audience,
Not long, we are all as Indonesian citizens will be holding a five-yearly democracy party or well-known as General Election to elect the representatives of people who will be sitting on the chairs of DPR (People’s Representative Council), DPRD (Regional People’s Representative Council), and DPD (Region’s Representative Council). After that, we will be electing the national leader.
There are various political advertisements either above the line or below the line ones that almost everyday terror us to elect the candidates. Unfortunately, we are frequently confronted to the reality regarding the lack of information and references of the figures of those people’s representatives. As a result, we are frequently offended by ambiguous stigmas and dualism between electing and non-electing.
To the priding ladies, gentlemen, and audience,
If you are mistaken once in electing our representatives and then in the next five years we are the one who will be the victims. They could be more sweet-mouthed in saying their promises on their campaign but after getting what they want they will forget everything they have promised, even for the Chief of the Team Success. They are really ingratitude. They only think about their stomach and private needs. Therefore, do not get yourselves mistakenly elect those people’s representatives.
There are few tips you can do to elect the people’s representatives so that you won’t be mistaken in electing, as follows:
1. Research and observe the track records of your people’s representative candidates. Check them out through internet about everything they have said, done, their personality background, educations, achievements, or their group or political affiliations. If they are well-known already, usually they would have their personal website/blog so that you will be eased in obtaining adequate data and information regarding those candidates.
2. But if they rarely have contact with media worlds, either printed or electronic ones, including internet, you can do it offline. It will need extra time, like asking to the neighbors who lived around their houses, their school friends, collages, or even their rivals.
3. If you have enough time, you could have your time to discuss together with the candidate directly. You can start out from the topics which have become their concerns (you can get this from posters, street banners, or their other campaign attributes which are frequently stated only as slogans without any concept), up to the issues which have become your own concerns.
4. You also need to assure in the processes above, whether the candidate you are going to elect are FAST people (FAST : fathanah, amanah, shiddiq, tabligh) which means intelligent, trustworthy, truthful, and informative, or other positive natures besides those four. The ideas from the candidates who are worthy electing should be the ideas which are rational and educating, maturing, and responsible. They don’t offer the money, take down others’ dignity by doing black campaign, and promise paradise sayings that might disappoint in later days. Afterwards, you can come into the conclusion about if they are worthy electing or not.
5. After you are convinced enough with your candidate, moreover you can carry out “political contract” with the candidate you choose. Make some permanent commitments for either short or long term.
6. Although the processes of campaign have been going, there is no late word for finding out. Make a list of candidates in your place and follow the tips above soon. The more you know and gather valid information about the candidates, the better it will be for the determination of the candidates you will elect.
I wish everything I have said could bring benefits for all of us. I wish we all can have those people’s representative who are trustworthy, responsible, pure-hearted, and take the side of righteousness. I say my apology for my entire words.

Demikian Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Politik , semoga bermanfaat.

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