Friday, 20 March 2015

Pidato Bahasa Inggris Pengaruh Internet Bagi Remaja

 Pidato Bahasa Inggris Pengaruh Internet Bagi Remaja-

Baikalh pada kesempatan kali in say akan berbagi
Pidato Bahasa Inggris Pengaruh Internet Bagi Remaja, pidatonya sebagai berikut :

 Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb

First, let us pray praise da gratitude to Allah SWT who has given us all the opportunity to be able to gather and meet face to face in place that insyaaloh in mulyakan by Allah SWT.

    Solawat and greetings may terlimpah lavished upon our prophet Muhammad wanabiyyana habibana ie, in the family, the friends, the tabi'in tabi'atnya hopefully later Yaumil end spaat given by him
THE INTERNET INFLUENCE ON YOUNG GENERATION” Internet, word familiar in the ears of everyone, especially the teenagers who always hang out with the tech word luxury, luxurious, and practical, the internet can be found wherever  we are. To capitalize a mobile phone with an internet connection, the internet can be accessed easily through HP wherever  we are, or if not, in every corner of the city there is definitely a service that sells internet cafes or commonly referred to as “Warnet”, with the internet, or access road to the delivery of information-information that exist in this world can be taken with ease while reversing the hand or eye blink.A lot of science that are so abundan there, information about anything can be found in the internet universe, the internet in the most effective and easy to find and accessible by anyone anywhere, although there is no doubt that because of this freedom may occur also abuse use of internet facilities as a means of crime or misconduct, which can affect the soul and personality of the students themselves, so that students are affected and interfered with her concentration on learning experiences in school.However, not all students do so, only a handful of students who are just nosy that can do it because it lacked a sense of responsibility towards self and surroundings, but in general the internet is used by every student to seek or obtain information relating to material lessons which he received in school, it allows students to become more creative and more active in seeking sources of information and knowledge.In essence, the internet can be motivator to the students to continue to grow and can also serve as a destroyer of the younger generation. So I suggest all my friends to use the internet for things that are positive. 

Finally, I would like to say sorry if there are mistakes in my speech words. Thank you very much for your attention. 

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

Demikian Pidato Bahasa Inggris Pengaruh Internet Bagi Remaja, semoga bermanfaat.

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